Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Killjoys Stars Highlight Season 2 Complexity

Why does Dutch look like this? Halloween or did the stress just get to be too much?
Photo from Den of Geek

Killjoys season 2 is nearly here, and the stellar first season is about to dig even deeper into the many layers of culture and conspiracy in the world of the Quad. The three lead actors of the show, Hannah John-Kamen (Dutch), Aaron Ashmore (Johnny), and Luke McFarlane (D’avin), sat down with reporters to tease some of the details that might be showing up when season 2 begins in July.

Now that the Killjoys audience is comfortable with the characters and the setting, the show will be exploring them a bit more. “In the classic first season of a show, we meet the characters, we understand the way they function, how they operate,” McFarlane said right off the bat. “And then in the second, we make the world bigger, and we’ve done that for sure in the second season.”

Ashmore agreed, adding that some familiar aspects will remain. “There’s definitely warrant-based episodes in season 2,” he said, “but I think that now that we’ve sort of locked into a bigger story and there’s sort of this bigger mystery about what’s going on, obviously that’s what’s sort of driving the second season.”

Killjoys will, of course, be expanding upon some of what was revealed in the season 1 finale. “The world is a lot bigger, and we’ve just discovered Arkyn,” John-Kamen recalled, referring to the moon upon which the RAC’s Red 17 program resides. “And with that comes really, really awesome new and exciting characters.”

Recalling D’avin’s fate at the end of last season, McFarlane gave a glimmer of hope to fans. “We learn a lot more about what a level 6 is,” he admitted, “and it’s not as simple, and it’s not as good and evil as we originally thought. It’s the actual physical makeup of a level 6 that becomes a big story point.”

Killjoys returns to Syfy on July 1st and on successive Fridays at 9 p.m. ET.

Photo and text from Den of Geek

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